I don't know if this is because I just have too much time on my hands, (and speaking of which, isn’t that such a strange cliché?) but I've decided to start using proper typographical marks instead of just relying on the keyboard's symbols. I revamped the design and from now on I might as well revamp my care with symbols, too.
That means using things like “ instead of ", and ’ instead of '. It's a small difference but I think that with this font, it does read better. And that’s really the point – not that it looks shallowly prettier. But as the link makes clear, when you start to use different kinds of dashes and things, there are grammatical rules. Sigh.
Anyway, on with the linkage. A young writer’s been fired from his job for, well, writing. And yes, it’s America, and yes, it’s Texas. Over in Washington DC, however, you can get fired for being interfered with by a Senator and then blogging about it. Still with sex, here's how the German Propaganda machine exploited it during World War II. Ghost Sites hosts a rather interesting snippet about what it’s like to be an extra on The Day After Tomorrow, a film about climate disaster New York style.
Sort of related to the previous post, here’s what American TV was like on 9/11 – this article is well–written and has some bizarre moments of hilarity—at least for me.
Moleskinerie blogs a book about Absinthe that I wouldn’t mind having. If you like Orchids, or don’t know yet whether you do, this Orchid photo site is for you.
Gay Marriage has finally taken off the the States – well, it did so yesterday actually, and The Boston Globe’s gay marriage page is a good place to get your info and views. A rather far–fetched set of conspiracy theories about Nick Berg’s beheading.
And finally, two simple pleasures. First, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair gets hit by a flour–filled condom, and second, Slashdot reports that ground coffee has lots of caffeine. Wow. What a relief.
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