Just a smattering for the moment. Looing at this post on Metafilter about weird / funny molecular names, I remembered that in my school there were many glass chemical-bottles with glass stoppers and old labels stuck to the sides. We all loved one of them for its name: Wanklyn! For those visitors who don't find that funny, even in a schoolboy way, to wank is to jerk off. :o) Similarly, the Wankel engine always caused loads of grinning.
Dean's World (I find his politics execrable but he's a driven blogger) writes about jazz for classical fans. Not that his choices would be good simply for classical fans, however. But he explains the raison d'etre of jazz really well. And to his list I'd add any of Keith Jarrett's Solo Concerts, most notably La Scala for its impressionistic quality and The famous Koln Concert because it shows most clearly how influenced Jarrett's musicality really was by Bach.
Finally, MetaFilter's thread on gay marriage. I know you might wonder why I reference MetaFilter threads. Well, if I knew I could walk into a building every day and watch a fight or an entertaining argument without fail, I would. MetaFilter, with its wealth of links, opinions and cross-opinions, is the online equivalent of being able to do so.
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