Thursday, June 06, 2002

I don't often feel really seething about political stuff. I don't often really care about it in the least; it's something Really Important which is done by besuited people with very little life other than being Organised and Important. And I tend to have a pretty high level of contempt for it just because of that. Human beings are rarely really important, in my view, ever. I mean, the highest level of importance anyone can attain in my eyes is boyfriendship. So if someone was to hold a gun to the head of any prime minister and another to the head of my boyfriend, and ask me who I wanted spared, I'd go for the boyfriend every time.

Anyhow. Our department of transport in this country, run at present by Tony Blair's Labour government, the department itself presided over by the recently departed Stephen Byers, seems to be full of complete, utter, specially shitty shits. First, one of Byers' key advisers chose the day New York's WTC towers came down in a massive terrorist attack to send an email to colleagues saying that "Today would be a good day to bury bad news". Byers kept her on. Made excuses for her, and then, spinelessly, said that maybe he'd've done it differently if.... if WHAT? If he hadn't been such a worthless inept fckwit in the first place? Fucking hell. So, today, we have the news that after a particularly horrific train-crash a few years ago, after which many survivors raked the transport and government people over the coals, someone else in Byers' department ordered that all survivors' political leanings should be looked into, in case the government might want to rubbish them later.

What utter shits we have running the country. What heartless, corporate, narrow-minded bastards who can't see further than the walls of their tasteless houses, the paper walls of their sad, uneventful lives.

I don't know what it says about Byers himself. Or about the prime minister, come to that. But Byers must either be bloody good at being a shit while appearing to be contrite and mouselike, or else he's actually a bit dim and didn't have much idea how to run his department and had no respect inside of it. Whatever. It takes a lot to get me angry about stuff I don't usually think about for a second. But saying "Those people who survived that crash. Those traumatised, badly injured, vocal people. Let's dig up whatever we can about them". Make up your own mind, and then write to them at and tell them what you think.

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