Sunday, February 15, 2004

Shamelessly, I'm jumping on a little bandwagon that is trundling through the web, in honour of Moleskine. This company produces the most divine of scribbleworthy objects: wellmade notebooks. Small and large, ruled, squared, plain, thin paper, thick paper. Held closed with elastic grips. A little pocket in the back cover for those bits of paper you could never leave on the coffeeshop table / desk / toilet floor.

Here's a dedicated Moleskinerie blog, and an interview with a man who moleskines on the New York subway, and scans of the results.

Metafilter dealt with Moleskine a while ago (it's down at the time of posting, but hopefully will be online again sometime soon) and as for me, I've been using mine for years, in the way documented in this photo.

If you write, and if your notebook is not a fetish but a tool, buy one. And don't forget the pen.

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